A world of strange and countless tales.

Home to the Four Races, the Alvyn; elegant, eloquent and given to intricate hostilities. The Avar; powerful, belligerent self-described masters of all destiny. The Adruz; discerning, calculating architects of civilization. And the Aman, natural travellers and innate opportunists. All four existing in a pageantry of friendship, competition, and bound by a lost and contentious kinship.

Their physical lands, immense continents and vast seas, possessed by the primordial and elemental Nym & Fae. Elemental forms of life, existing in a continuous cycle of rebirth. Avatars of the defining force of this world, Majik.

Incredibly potent. Incredibly dangerous. Ancient beyond measure, and manifold in use, Majik ebbs and flows in accordance with the ‘Wayn,’ a rising and falling of its potency over centuries, that lifts and lays waste to civilizations in its wake.

Welcome to Ora, a world born in myth, and alive with mystery.

How to begin exploring Ora.

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